Tuesday, May 19, 2009

webmaster resources

Make MORE with MICROSOFT PUBCENTER alongside your Google AdSense!
Leading ad optimizer gives you access to the exclusive new text ad network, Microsoft pubCenter! Make Google and Microsoft fight over your ad spots, so you can earn more. Used successfully on hundreds of sites; revenue lifts of up to 200%. Start Today!

Shout Your News to the World!
Grab free PR Web account and expose your website to thousands of bloggers and journalists. Plus get listed in Yahoo News and Topix.

Free Website Exposure? Get Listed on 20 Search Engines Now!
Give your website a free traffic boost with exposure on 20 search engines. Register your website for inclusion with this free submission tool.
Don't wait - Get listed today!

Questions, Answers and Discussions From Our Members... Contextual Ads
We're looking for feedback on contextual ads such as Kontera or Infolinks. Looking for opinions from a webmaster's standpoint (earnings, ease of use) and from a visitor's standpoint (annoying, helpful). What are your thoughts on these type of advertising?

All the Songs in the World
Here's a neat site that gives you access to 'all' the songs in the world. Basically a search engine, Grooveshark is gaining huge popularity, while trying to avoid legal hassles over access to free songs.

SEO Software
How well does SEO software really work? Clearly there's nothing out there that will automatically get you top rankings, but surely tools can provide needed data, make it time efficient and help the overall process...

Hanging Out With the Wrong Crowd
Unless you run your own server, you're probably sharing one with dozen (or even more) other people's websites. The way these people conduct their business can certainly have an impact on yours from the eyes of Google...

Hackers Seize Google Morocco
Tech Crunch reported that "Google.co.ma, the domain name for Google Morocco's search portal, was taken hostage by hackers..."

Marketing Ideas for Specialty Sites
Some sites are very niched and often cited marketing approaches simply aren't efficient enough. We're looking for unique marketing ideas for such sites. Have any to share?